lets meet, flirt, laugh, do-the-dirty (Connecticut, CT)
Sassy chick looking for a well hung guy to expand oral vocabulary. You must be clean and dd free. Looking looking to get laid hearing from you.

Single college woman - w4m (Connecticut, CT)
Hi okay so I am not expecting much at all from this but I figured why not! I moved here a little over a year ago and I have been single for a bit so I am now interested in getting back into dating or just looking to get laid close friendship. Always down to make new f [...]

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Find local married lady for tonight fun

I love to please... <3 - w4m (Connecticut, CT)
Sometimes people meet you, and they make assumptions.. sometimes right, sometimes not, but I'm not one to correct other people unless it absolutely must be done. If you don't want to spend any time getting to know someone, then I don't really see the point. I also don't see any benefit, ever, in hurting someone else's feelings. I'm looking for someone who wants to lay on a nice warm rock at night and watch for shooting stars with me. Lets go out and explore the world, that doesn't need to involve spending any money, let's just go take pictures of random shit. How about it? There is one thing I'd like to try that isn't free though.. parachuting. I hear everyone pees their pants the first time, but I'm okay with that. Also, if you have a kayak I will be your new best friend! I'm not very good at steering through rapids, but I'm very adept at falling out :)I very rarely get dressed up, and don't wear much makeup, so what you see in the evening is the same thing you see in the morning. I don't have any tattoes, not interested in getting any, I prefer that people have to get to know me to learn about me, I'm not interested in expressing myself through appearance as a way to make my declaration of self expression to the world. (Not a judgement if you're into that, it's just not my thing.) I don't drink often, or smoke, but I don't care if you do, so long as it isn't what you live for, married dating it's not an all-day, every-day habit. Tempt me, I'll probably join you, but getting shit-faced is not high on my list of things to do, or to watch anyone else do anymore.I'm on a path of change.. gave up soda a month ago, and would like to find someone who wants to try and have a healthy lifestyle, but still enjoy life. A workout buddy would be great, let's get in shape together! Working out at the gym is kind of dull in my opinion, but I used to enjoy lifting weights, and I'd like to get back into that. Let's see, what else... I read a lot, mostly books about how to do stuff, make stuff, that kind of thing. I'd love to read more fiction, but I have a hard time finding fiction books that I actually like. The book that really captured me recently was, ''Twelve by Twelve: A One-Room Cabin Off the Grid and Beyond the American Dream.'' It was a little repetitive, but pretty much sums up my goals for this life... simplify, simplify, simplify. Want to have a garage sale? I am also a big fan of Daniel Quinn's books. I don't have cable, but I get pretty good use out of my netflix membership. I enjoy all types of movies and music, but I don't feel the need to sit and dissect everything. I find that for me at least, that just takes all the fun out of it.I'm looking for an affectionate, sweet guy, hopefully for a ltr if things go well. No need to be perfect, I try to find the good in everyone. If you speak Spanish, awesome, I think Spanish is just about the most romantic language. I'm seriously a gringa, but talk to me in spanish, and I'll pretend I know what you're talking about! Okay, keep it slow and simple, and I'll probably get the gist. Right now I'm listening to Alberto Plaza - 15 Anos Vivo, now that is what I call romantic! If you want to sing to me, that'd be pretty sweet! I'm no prude, but you won't catch me sending topless photos to near strangers. Come on ladies, practice some common sense! My views lean to the left, sometimes pretty far to the left. I have no belief in a higher power, but I do have a sense of being connected to other people, and other critters, etc. I've made friends of all ages, but I'd prefer to date someone semi-near my age - let's say 27 to 40...

I NEED some help please -BBW (Connecticut, CT)
I landed a job and need some help getting caught up on things. I'm open to a loan or trade for just about whatever you want. I'm not trying to do anything illegal here.. so no matter what situation (adult or platonic) this is you need to get laid a friend helping a [...]

Like Erotica? - w4m (Connecticut, CT)
 Stranger on a TrainShe sits on a train staring vacantly out the window opposite her into the night. looking to get laid so often she passes under a street light illuminating the dingy car, empty save for herself. Most people didn't ride the trains this far into the evening, fearing late night activity and undesirables. The dimly lit cars seem to promote certain behaviors one wouldn't imagine by the light of day. She wasn't afraid though, never had been. Especially this far into the night bordering early morning when even the party goers and said undesirables had slinked back to their homes and given up to sleep. For a few precious hours before filling up for the morning commute, the cars remained empty and that's when she had taken to riding them, always sitting on the same bench in the middle of the cab facing the same opposite window. Never the same train twice though, never. She was very careful of this. Every so often another would board the train, usually a third shifter just ending his night or a morning worker just beginning the day. This is why she was there. She was neither headed to nor coming from anywhere. She was simply waiting, waiting for the other.She had been riding for quite sometime this particular night. She had nearly given up in fact, when finally the wheels of the train screeched against the tracks grinding the whole thing to a halt. The doors opened and he stepped into the no longer empty car save for herself. He took a seat at the front of the cab on a bench opposite her own. He glanced at her briefly and nodded before returning his gaze to the night outside the window. She, however, couldn't take her eyes off of him. She stared at his smooth dark skin, his rough hands. He was a working man, a laborer, her favorite kind. He was a bit stocky and looked as if life had been hard, but he appeared strong with broad shoulders and big arms that bulged here and there under his shirt. She felt the familiar feeling swell up in her stomach.He felt her eyes on him then and glanced back to her direction, only this time he didn't look away. They locked stares for a bit before she ever so slightly adjusted her loosely crossed legs and curled one of her red stained lips into a faint smile beginning the dance.He studied her legs, making sure, before standing and casually strolling down the aisle. He took the seat on the bench beside her and without so much as a word placed his large hand on her knee. She closed her eyes feeling the warmth of it. He made no further movement waiting for her. She placed her hand on his and slid it further up to her thigh under her skirt. His lips were on her in a flash. She usually didn't kiss these men, the men met in random places for a split second in time. She didn't stop him though, she rarely stopped them from doing anything. He pulled her leg towards him, uncrossing them and gripped her inner thigh. His other hand slid under her blouse and found her breast. He moved his lips to her neck and circled the nape of it with his tongue. She could feel herself beginning to throb. He slid his hand further up her thigh as he unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her breasts free. He replaced his grip on one and covered as much as he could of the other with his mouth, darting his tongue back and forth over the nipple. Her breasts weren't extremely large, but they were perfectly shaped and men loved them. He sucked on her breast hard as he moved his hand all the way up her leg and began firmly massaging her with the palm on his hand, letting his fingertips explore further down. She reached down and pushed his hand harder into her. He let go of her breast and reached both hands under her skirt pulling off her thin panties. His hand was back in a flash pushing two fingers inside her. She sighed with pleasure. He fingered her harder pushing in as deep as he could. She opened her legs wide, making it easier for him, and leaned back on the bench feeling the pleasure of it. Rochel Baron

The only reason I went to places like this was to get laid as I can't stand the loud noises and the way other guys and girls behave.

UP__4_Some___A.M.___PLAYTIME!! (Connecticut, CT)
Black NYMPH - LARGE BOOBS - Cute Face - HOT Mouth!!!!! Seeks a Safe Sane NICE GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT It Is I NEED and Is WiLLING TO GIVE it to get laid ME RIGHT NOW! Wet and Deep - Slow and Sloppy - CREAMY Soft and Tight . Something U Can HANDLE that this early [...]

Bj love & fuck!!! - w4m (Connecticut, CT)
How about this: let's stop posting sad stories online, stop talking like you're looking for love when you're looking for a hookup, and I'll stop saying I'm looking for a good man. Instead, let's just agree to go to our local water hole - the one with how to get laid in a day

Inspire me by UR ideas & suggestions (Connecticut, CT)
I am cleaning, sleeping naked, showering, chillaxing watching TV, cooking, driving, playing, exercising or doing homework. But since I'm very creative and naughty make sure you have enough time! You never know what I'll looking to get laid doing or wearing!