====(TASTY PETITE WHITE TREAT)==== (Fort Mitchell, Kentucky )
★•:.•:*.•Allow ME to pamper you with MY skills and talents. High Class Companionship, at it's finest•★•:.•★•:.•:*.•I AM looking to get laid smart, sexy, sophisticated and adventurous girl who just loves to have fun! •★•★•:.•:*.•I am 100% recent pix...I love to PLAY and i aim to PLEASE 3...4....7....JACKIE....7....6....8.. Outcallls Only......4....8...5.....5..............

please give me your lolipop.... (Fort Mitchell, 41017 , Kenton County)
Alright guys, here's the drill: I'm picky. And not picky in the ''he must be good looking and fit'' (which helps) but picky as in I KNOW WHAT I NEED to be happy.Here's the list of what you need (it's an all in thing):MUST love hockey (I'm not a Craps fan, but as long as you can handle me telling you how much better my boys are than yours, you can be one)SHOULD like or be willing to deal with me liking football (I'm not a Ravens fan, whole different division)MUST be 5'5'' or tallerYour name can NOT start with looking to get laid letter ''J'' (sorry, bad luck there)Dark sense of humor (sick, sadistic, sometimes perverted)Love travelHave a job (no slackers or slobs)No living with your parents (unless you have a DAMN good reason)No country musicNo rap (Country + Rap = CRAP)Smart - I love nerds, geeks, and the likeNO HIPSTERS!!! I hate hipsters and they must die....I prefer dark hair (brown or black) Red heads can apply, as long as you aren't offended if I call you ginger.MUST love dogsDecent shape - I'm not obese and you shouldn't be either.MUST love the outdoors - hiking, camping, etc.NOT an alcoholic - a few drinks here and there are fine, but no partiers.NO negative peopleMUST be ok with tattoos



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non-drinker, non-weirdo (41017, Fort Mitchell, KY, Kenton County)
I realize that sets me apart from ninety percent of the people who post on here! But it describes both me and the kind of guy I'm looking for.I am a nice, normal, decent, intelligent, well-educated, non-drinking, non-smoking, non-fanatical Christian woman with good morals. I'm 5'9'', 140 lbs. (a healthy, HWP thin), white, with straight teeth and decently good looks. I am 40, but most people take me for a lot younger. A couple friends of mine recently confessed that they'd been trying to figure out why I'm still single... and hadn't been able to come up with anything except a shortage of compatible men. I figure that is a pretty high compliment!I am a software systems engineer, balanced with ballroom, country, and swing dancing and organizing a good-sized meetup group for similar people. I love solving real-world problems. I've had dogs all my life. I've had my current dog for over 15 years. I'm allergic to cats. I listen to mostly country music, though I am compelled sometimes to fix their grammar! :) I am addicted to learning new things. Most of the TV shows I watch are cop or doctor dramas, nerdy sitcoms, or melodramatic spoofs, but I reserve the right to watch a tear-jerking chic drama. I like action movies, where right wins and evil loses. A friend of mine once told me I am the most normal, logical woman he's ever met, but I reserve the right to sometimes do something outside the box -- just for shock value -- like show up with a temporary tattoo! Ha! (OK, yeah, that's about the craziest thing I've ever done. :)My flaws? I'm not the neatest person in the world. I'm not a slob, but I think people should call before coming over so I have time to clean! I'm more apt to be late than early, but I've been improving on that and am now sometimes early and it isn't even an accident! I am also a compulsive problem solver, so don't tell me a problem if you don't want suggestions and/or help fixing it. Misspellings and poor grammar drive me crazy, so please don't torture me! And debt makes me feel something akin to claustrophobia or drowning; if you have debt, please don't ask me out.A friend once told me I am a paradox -- that I am egalitarian in terms of wanting to be respected as a peer, yet I value chivalry; that I am a sociable introvert; and that, as independent as I am, I like being in a relationship. Personally, I don't think I'm very hard to figure out. I think the best overall solutions are arrived at if all parties are honest, open, and lay all their cards on the table face-up; only then can the optimal choice be made that works best for everyone. Maybe that is the idealist -- the engineer -- in me. But the side of me that appreciates traditional roles says that my world is right-side up if you take the initiative to ask me out, to lead, to ask for my input, and to get the doors for me -- and for the elderly ladies entering the restaurant behind us. :) Traits I value: being thoughtful and considerate, being helpful, being respectful and respectable, being debt-free, intelligence, leadership, loyalty, a good work ethic, singing on-key, healthy living, mental and emotional balance, being able to disagree without being disagreeable, competence, being handy, good hygiene, smelling clean, a clean sense of humor, and being able to find the beat (if you don't dance yet, you will if you date me for long!). Also, while I have a good variety of friends, I only date guys who are white, U.S. citizens, at least 5'11'', have at least a bachelor's degree, and don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. You don't have to be a 10, have all your hair, look like you live at the gym, or be an extrovert, but I hope you're at least decent looking, reasonably fit, be able to carry on an intelligent conversation, and have all your teeth! :) My best friends over the years have been engineers, doctors, and scientists, and often with entrepreneurial interests or management experience -- so that looking for sex probably who I'd be the best match with.So, what about you? What makes you tick? What makes you think we might be a good match? Your pic gets mine.P.S. Reasons I won't write you back: if you're rude, mean, immoral, smoke, drink, do drugs, or send me just a picture or something generic (you'll have to write me something of substance!).

Memorial Day drink and..... (41017, Fort Mitchell, KY)
Ok it's Memorial Day and I'm sitting here bored out of my mind. We could meet up ( you host) and have a drink and see where it goes from there. Please be 40+, ddf, hwp, non-smoker, and WHITE this is my preference and I don't mean to offend anyone. Im NOT a BOT OR wanna get laid I'm just seeking the company. Please reply with pic if NOT then thanks anyway. HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY

fast, easy and discreet. (41017, KY, Kenton County)
Hey! Have little time? Need sumthn quick and fun?! Curiou$??? Call, txt or click above. :) four8zero 5one2 looking to get laid

I see post after post of men going on and on about how women have all the power and men only get laid if they settle for women they don't find attractive. Women can go out anytime they want and find a willing partner but men have to beg borrow and plead to even be in the running.

Hang out today??? (Fort Mitchell, 41017, KY )
Hello,Are there any serious guys maybe want to get together for lunch, maybe a drink??? I am Black 5'5, about 130. one night stand to have serious fun, no games...

I need a man in my life...not just a banister (41017, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky)
I am... Sexually attracted to objects ... Generally. But tonight I think it would be fun to include a man in my playtime with lil banister. Do you want to dp protien style with me and my banister. If you want you get sex now also just come over and watch me play with my banister. Please bring a snack as I am very hungry. Pictures are appreciated.

casino trip (Fort Mitchell, Kentucky )
beyond the initial boundaries that are set up. You will get a slave for the day to use....a sex doll to play with and take advantage of. If you are a dom you will looking to get laid